I love mixing textures! I feel like this is what really defines your style as a decorator and homeowner.
One of my most recent favorite textures to throw into the mix is concrete... yes I said concrete! Not so much for floors because, well that's just too cold on my feet in this climate but to add a pop of concrete to a room can feel surprisingly glamorous when mixed with other warmer textures. I put the above board together to show you just how great different textures can look when put together in the same room.
But what if they don't match?"
I get asked this question ALL the time...
"Whoever said everything needs to match?" is usually my response...
When it comes to things like hardware (mixing metals) or furniture... (having a different color couch than your accent chairs) This is what creates interest in your home. This is the character of the space! Don't be afraid to mix it up!
Too often people go to big box stores and by a set of 2 end tables with a matching coffee table and a couch, love seat, and chair that ALL MATCH. ( My husband did this before he met me...haha)
YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO THIS! Be brave and mix it up - you won't regret it! If you're scared to start with the bigger items... start with items like vases and throw cushions even table lamps!
Life is short... mix it up, and remember if you bring it home and don't like it 99% of the time you can return it!
Happy decorating!